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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your school located?


The Toddler (2 72 year old), and Abbott Programs (3-year-old), Play and Learn (PK4 Program), and Primary Prep Elementary and Middle School are located at 41 Tuers Avenue in Jersey City. We also have another Abbott Program located at 8-10 Clifton Place in Jersey City.


What are your school hours? 


The Toddler, Abbott Programs, and Play and Learn: 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM; K through 8th Grade: 7:45 AM to 3:00 PM.


Is there an option for an extended day?


The school provides before-care that begins at 7am and after-care from dismissal until 6 pm. You must register your child for both programs. Either program may be used on an "as needed” basis.


What is your lunch policy?


Lunch is only provided for students in the Abbott Program. All other students can either bring their own lunch or purchase lunch through our lunch program. Please note that for students who bring their lunch there are no facilities for refrigerating or heating it.


Is there a dress code?


All students from Prek4 through Grade 8 are required to wear school uniforms. The uniforms are purchased through Lobel's Uniform Outfitters or from our Primary Prep Parent Association, which sells discounted, gently-used uniforms. (


Does the school offer transportation options for students?


No, but you can contact the following bus services for rates and drop off/pick up times. These are private bus contractors and not affiliated with our school. (


What is the curriculum? 


The curriculum at Primary Prep is designed to encourage the students to think outside the box. Critical thinking is mandatory. During their time at Primary Prep, the pupils develop a strong foundation in math, reading, language arts, science, history, writing, and the arts. Technology is infused in the lessons through iPads, Google chrome books, and laptops. (

Abbot Program uses the HighScope Curriculum. It is research-based and child-focused, the curriculum uses a carefully designed process – called "active participatory learning" - to achieve powerful, positive outcomes.


What is the age cutoff date for each grade level?


Students entering the Toddler program must be 2 1/2 by September 1st. Students entering the Abbott Program must be 3 years of age on or before October 1; Prek4: 4 years of age on or before October 1; Kindergarten: 5 years of age on or before October 1 and so forth.


Does Primary Prep require specific testing for admission?


No, formal testing is not required. However, the admissions staff will review transcripts before making any final decisions.  An interview with the director could also take place. (


Is there a parent interview required as part of the admissions process?


While we are happy to answer any questions that parents have, we do not require interviews as part of the admissions process.


Is there a deadline for receiving applications?


No, Primary Prep operates on a rolling admissions calendar.  The Abbott Program has a deadline in March.

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